SWEMCO’s avionics and aerospace experience has included some of the most dynamic commercial aircraft and military manufacturing programs of the last few decades. Our expertise in scalable, proven logistics processes, statistical process controls and superior quality is extensive – the level you should expect from your electronics manufacturer.
avionics experience
Product Experience
- Braking Systems
- Flight Management Controls
- Fuel And Utility Systems
- Joint Precision Air Drop (JPADS)
- Missile Systems
- Station Keeping Equipment (SKE)
Program Experience
- AH-64A/D Apache Attack Helicopter
- C-17 Globemaster III
- C-130J Hercules
- Patriot Air and Missile Defense System
- Tomahawk Cruise Missile
- UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter
- AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile
- GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB-II)
additional services
- CAGE / NCAGE Code: 23302
- Certified Small Business: NAICS Code as provided under 13 C.F.R. Part 121
- Component Failure Analysis / GIDEP Support
- DUNS: 039023965
- Far Costing Administration and Support
- Lot / Location Traceability
- Moisture Sensitive Device Control
- Environmentally Controlled Manufacturing Conditions
- Circuit Board Assembly
- System Level Integration
- RF Backplane Assembly
- Power Devices, Ground Planes, Magnetic Assemblies
- Fine Pitch
- Non-Rectangular Geometries
avionics case studies
Formation Managment System
Stationkeeping Equipment 2000 (SKE-2000) is an avionics formation management system that allows up to 36 aircraft on 4 different frequency channels to fly fully instrumented formation in zero visibility. The aircraft can operate within a 10nm radius of a selected participating master system on the same frequency.
- 200+ Ship Sets, 30 Unique CCAs, 15+ Years Support
- Life Cycle Parts Management
- Lockheed C-130 Hercules
- Boeing C-17 Globemaster III
Smart Zapper
The Smart Zapper consists of (8) chip detectors which are located in the main transmission mast, input gearbox, and sump as well as the intermediate and tailrotor gearboxes. The system is designed to clear ferrous debris equivalent to 0.06-MM diameter iron wire which accumulates across the sensor’s magnetic gap. Debris, equivalent to 0.13-MM diameter ironwire, is considered significant and will not be cleared, thereby activating a cockpit caution light.
- 20,000+ Units
- Consigned Inventory Supply
- 18+ Years Support
- Multi-Year Cost Reduction and Prototype Support
- Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk
- Bell UH-1 “Huey” Iroquois
The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM (pronounced am-ram), is a modern Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile (AAM) capable of all weather day and night performance. Designed with the same form-factor as the previous generation of semi-active guided Sparrow missiles, it is a fire-and-forget missile with active guidance. It is also commonly known as the Slammer in USAF service.
- 500+ Ship Sets
- DCMA/DCAA Cost Analysis
- 5 Years Support